Facts about Fifty Shades of Grey


People are talking about Fifty Shades of Grey right now. So we have some facts about Fifty Shades of Grey that you might not know.

1. The books sold more copies that The DaVinci Codes and Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. 

2. Speaking of Harry Potter, the author JK Rowling refuses to read it. Typical Muggle.

3. Dornan is 32-year-old former Calvin Klein model, who dated Keira Knightley for two years and is now married (to fellow actress Amelia Warner) and a father-of-one.

4. The sex scenes in the book are famously explicit and the movie has been given an 18 certificate.

5. As of February 5, 2.75 million cinema tickets have been pre-sold worldwide.

6.  The publishers have reportedly boasted that at the height of the book’s popularity, two copies of Fifty Shades were being sold every second.

7. Angelina Jolie is said to have been interested in directing the Fifty Shades Of Grey.

8. James’s wants Robbert Pattinson to play Christian Grey at first place.

9. The girl who plays Anastasia is Dakota Johnson who is a daughter of actors Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson.

10. All casts members have signed up to do all three movies. Report says the sequels have been given the green light, but everything is under wrap.  

This movie s huge, but a little advice for me.. don't go to the cinema with your parents. 

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